Five Sentence Tribute: Paul Newman

A truly good human and first rate American citizen who gave millions to charity and helped countless children through both his Newman's Own Foundation and his Hole In The Wall Camps. His Newman's Own products are fabulous, especially the Salt and Pepper Pretzels, Lemonade, and chocolate bars! He was married to his second wife, Joanne Woodward for 50 years, an anniversary I'd like to achieve. I could go on and on about his great acting and the dozens of fantastic movies, but I'll just say that NOBODY'S FOOL from 1994 is one of the best movies I have seen and, despite the many classics this man starred in, his character Sully Sullivan in that film remains my personal favorite. Paul Newman was always just the coolest, I mean just look at that photo above and you'll understand why, as a boy, I can remember seeing him and thinking "Now, there's a man I'd like to be like."
Previous Five Sentence Tributes:
Jerry Reed
George Carlin
Tim Russert
Sydney Pollack
Charlton Heston
Paul Scofield
Roy Scheider
Heath Ledger
Dan Fogelberg
Brad Delp
Peter Boyle
Robert Altman
Jack Palance
I hate to say it, but he looks like Matthew McConaughey in that picture.
I'm just sayin'...
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