Five Sentence Tribute: George Carlin

I know, this should be a seven word tribute to the man, but I can't post things I wouldn't want my children to read! I was lucky enough to have seen Mr. Carlin live more than once and to have met him twice. He has hundreds, count them, hundreds of genius comedy routines. One of my favorites was the "Ice Box Man" which I think I may just put in a separate post. This man was my absolute, all-time, second-place-is-not-even-close, favorite comedian, and man, this one really hurts.
First thing I thought was "Wow, what a major bummer". Second thing I thought was "This one's really gonna hurt Matt and Doah." Don't mourn too long, Carlin wouldn't want that.
- The Uncool
This one really hurts. When I heard the news this morning I almost hit the curb as I pulled into the parking lot. And I was 3 minutes late because I just sat in the car for 5 minutes as it sunk in. It was like losing a friend. He to was by far my favorite comedian. I have seen him 4 or 5 times and I always left with sore stomach muscles. About 3 months ago I listened to a handful of his cds for the um-teenth time and they are as funny as ever. I love his "airline announcements" routine. Carlin will go down in history as one of the greats. He will be missed.
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