Death Row Meal

There's a picture of Chrisy and I on my 37th birthday, Friday, March 31, 2006. We went to Julian with our good friends, Tony and Julie Cloyd. That night we went to my favorite place to eat, Ramano's Dodge House. I only go there once a year and I always order the same thing. It's fettucini alfrado. I joke that it's my "death row meal" a.k.a. heart-attack-on-a-plate. You know how they offer people who are about to be executed a final meal? Well, my even though Mexican food is my favorite genre of food, I would defininately choose Fettucini Romano as my last meal if faced with that sad proposition. It's just this really big bowl of pasta covered in this rich, creamy, cheesy, thick, white sauce. It's the kind of thing that makes me moan with each bite. Romano's also makes this superb garlic bread, the kind where you can see the large chunks of garlic, you can use it to sop-up the alfrado sauce! So, what about you? What would be your death row meal? Maybe if you leave a comment and we're ever in that neck of the woods, we'll check it out.
For those of you wanting an update on Chrisy, she's doing well. The kids and I got a much desired phone call from her last Saturday morning. Everybody got a chance to talk to her. It was great. She's doing well. I've also recently received a few e-mails. She said they had a surprise going-away party for Sean and Debbie Fraser. Additionally, she told me that they went shopping. Buying souvenirs for the kids and I made her really miss us and that ended up being her hardest day emotionally. Also on the update front, Jon Hall posted a bunch more new photos of the gang in South Africa. There are 16 new ones.
Today is like a milestone for me. I've been very focused on Monday, May 8th. I am very excited because it is now exactly one week until Chrisy returns. I've obviously been reminiscing and thinking about the fun we had at Ramano's brings a smile to my face.
Labels: family, friends, ramblings, South Africa, trip
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