What's for Dinner?

I couldn't be happier. My pal, Mike Taylor, just put up another post on his blog and it includes several pictures with Chrisy! I'm not going to repost them here. If you want to see them, they're on his post titled Boring? of all things! You have to scroll down to the last three pictures. (Not that you shouldn't look at the others!) I think two are from their tour of Pretoria on Monday. The last one is my favorite; it shows Chrisy and Lorie Taylor standing outside Pangani.
Lots of folks are asking how I'm doing. I'm good. If I had to sum it up in one word at this point it would be: tired. I certainly appreciate how much Chrisy does to make our house run smoothly. The kids and I are good though. I've been trying to do things to be prepared. Taking a page out of my wife's playbook, instead of waiting to iron tomorrow's work clothes or even waiting until the day of, I went ahead and ironed an entire week's worth on the weekend. It's the little things in the morning, like having the coffee brewer ready the night before, that help.
Some folks asked about dinners too. On work days, I'm thinking ahead. On Monday night, I prepared Tuesday's dinner in the Crock-Pot. Our beef ribs slow cooked in barbeque sauce all day and were ready when we walked in the door at 5 pm, two minutes to microwave some canned corn and we had a meal. If you're working and pick-up kids after work, the Crock-Pot is a gift from God. Seriously, why do we have the saying, It's the best thing since sliced bread? It should be, It's the best thing since the Crock-Pot!
I noticed we were almost totally out of cereal so I came up with an idea to make shopping seem like a fun adventure. Last night I gave the kids a choice: (1) I could prepare a bunch of chicken drumsticks in the Crock-Pot for Wednesday's dinner; or, (2) We could all go to the grocery store at 5:00, each select one box of cereal, and have a cereal night! They were in the car saying, "Cereal! Cereal!" Go figure, I always felt cheated if I had to eat cereal for dinner. Cereal? Cereal is boring. But, as Mike Taylor proved, it's okay to be boring sometimes. Besides, I guess it's all in the pitch.
Labels: family, friends, South Africa
To kids a choice is never boring. They dig having choices and getting to eat something different for dinner.
Glad you are doing well.
Miss all of you Lynds.
Just don't do the cosby thing and give them chocolate cake for breakfast
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