Daniel Day-Lewis Doesn't Win? Inconceivable

Drainage! Drainage! Eli you boy.
Drained dry . . . . my straw reaches
acroooooss the room,
and starts to drink your milkshake.
[insert sucking sound here]
---Daniel Plainview
I just can't help it. One more Oscar post before tomorrow.
I have to steal a word from Vizzini here and say that it is totally, absolutely, one hundred percent INCONCEIVABLE to me that somebody other than Daniel Day-Lewis will win the best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role Oscar tomorrow.
Go and rent MY LEFT FOOT, THE BOXER, IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE AGE OF INNOCENCE, THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS and GANGS OF NEW YORK just to start and then tell me he isn't the single greatest actor of our generation.
Now, back to THERE WILL BE BLOOD and this performance as Daniel Planview. I didn't love the movie. However, he deserves the Academy Award. Period.
That said, it was totally, absolutely, one hundred percent INCONCEIVABLE that somebody other than Daniel Day-Lewis would win the Oscar in 2002 for his role as Bill "The Butcher" Cutting in GANGS OF NEW YORK too. Thus, it would be fair for you to add, "You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
And the winner is . . .

I love this time of year, your blog goes crazy!!!
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