Music in Photography?

"In my own primitive way, I'm looking for harmonic content in a photograph. When you look through the lens, you're seeing a chord with all its harmonic extensions and its asymmetry. Going out in the street and shooting, just following your eye, you are improvising in the sense that a musician improvises."
The idea of "harmonic content in a photograph" is especially intriguing to me. At least theoretically, even an amateur could search for that while they are shooting say their kids around the house. My mind immediately went to this shot that my wife took of my son with his new guitar two days ago.
This also reminds me of the song What Light that I posted a couple days ago because the spirit in both that song and the Summers quote would say, "If you want to do photography and you're not sure what to shoot, just shoot what you see. Don't let anyone say it's wrong."
It all makes me want to get a little bit more adventurous.
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